AutoVision Awards is the international creative festival for corporate films, commercials, TV programs, websites as well as interactive and multimedia productions exclusively for the automotive and mobility industries.
The festival’s prestigious OttoCar trophies are awarded annually to the most outstanding creative works in the industry in cooperation with one of the most renowned and largest events of the industry, IAA.
AutoVision Awards is an initiative of Filmservice International, supported by The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA).

In 2011, the festival celebrated its 10th edition. While the competition was originally dedicated to informational films only, it had evolved to an all-embracing audiovisual festival for the automotive industry.
The rise of online media was clearly reflected in the 2009 AutoVision Awards edition, when the MINI Viral Campaign ‘Minimalism’ placed first. To adjust to digitalization and new industry standards, we now grant a separate OttoCar Grand Prix for the interactive & multimedia categories.
In 2021, AutoVision Awards will go one step further and open its doors for the mobility industry. We clearly commit to the spirit of time and are looking forward to welcoming all innovative, digital, and smart trends in the industry to our festival.

Take a look to all awardees of the previous years in the section Winners.